About the NGMP
What is the Nunavut General Monitoring Plan?
The Nunavut General Monitoring Plan (NGMP) is a key component of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement (NLCA). To implement the NGMP, the Government of Canada works with its Nunavut partners to collect and analyze information relating to the ecosystemic and socio-economic health of Nunavut:
Article 12.7.6 - General Monitoring
There is a requirement for general monitoring to collect and analyse information on the long term state and health of the ecosystemic and socio-economic environment in the Nunavut Settlement Area. Government, in co-operation with the Nunavut Planning Commission (NPC), shall be responsible for developing a general monitoring plan and for directing and co-ordinating general monitoring and data collection.
The NGMP is a partnership project managed by a steering committee consisting of representatives from the Nunavut Planning Commission, Nunavut Tunngavik Inc., the Government of Nunavut, and Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) on behalf of the Government of Canada. The Secretariat is housed within INAC.
NGMP Strategic Plan
Weaving our Tapestry, the five-year Strategic Plan for the NGMP (2010/11 – 2014/15), outlines the NGMPs' mandate, vision, goals and milestones, performance management and governance. This strategic plan will serve as a prime management tool for the NGMP, and will provide a foundation for outreach and engagement with external partners, stakeholders and interested parties in the development of specific program elements, work plans and resources.
NGMP Annual Highlights
In partnership with the Northwest Territories Cumulative Impact Monitoring Program (CIMP), the NGMP publishes their annual highlights.
- NWT CIMP and NGMP: Highlights for 2011/2012 (PDF) – Report (2013)
- NWT CIMP and NGMP: Highlights for 2012-13 and 2013-14 – Report (2014)
Information Gathering
The NGMP provides for the collection and analysis of existing monitoring information, identifies gaps where more monitoring needs to take place, and will provide public monitoring reports. This includes both traditional and scientific knowledge.
The NGMP also supports the development of monitoring information where gaps exist. Funding is being made available for monitoring data development initiatives that meet the NGMP priorities.
The information that the NGMP collects:
- Helps support responsible and sustainable development by offering insight into the territory's ecosystemic and socio-economic landscape;
- Informs strategic planning by government, Nunavut's co-management system, and Nunavummiut;
- Contributes to regulatory improvement by providing access to credible Nunavut monitoring information.
What kind of information does the NGMP collect?
The NGMP collects and analyzes information on the long-term conditions of Nunavut's environment, people, communities, and economy. This may be qualitative or quantitative, and include both traditional and scientific data. The areas of focus will be guided by consultations with the NGMP's stakeholders, including Nunavummiut, industry, researchers and scientists.
How can I access the information the NGMP collects?
The NGMP's website is an information portal for Nunavummiut, industry, researchers and scientists, and the general public interested in obtaining monitoring data. The NGMP will also publish State of the Environment reports, providing regular snapshots of the territory's ecosystemic and socio-economic health.
NGMP Monitoring Blueprint Compendium 2013
The NGMP Monitoring Blueprint Compendium 2013 serves to provide insight into the current NGMP knowledge and information base, as well as guide further data collection, analysis and reporting activities among NGMP partners. The blueprints provide current information on individual Valued Components and identify Nunavut general monitoring objectives, needs and requirements for each Valued Component.
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